How to order your copy!

Available in both VHS and PAL formats! 
Welshie retrieving

Make checks or money orders payable to DOGWOOD WELSH SPRINGER SPANIEL CLUB.  U.S. funds only, please!  Mail to:

Peggy Ruble
17750 170th Road
Erie, Kansas 66733

Include your name, address, phone number, and format (VHS or PAL).


Proceeds from THE WORKING WELSHMAN go to cover the costs of production.

To everyone who purchased advance copies or took advantage of the initial National Specialty rate--

Thank You!

Here's What it Costs :

VHS - $30 plus shipping
PAL - $40 plus shipping

Shipping in U.S. or Canada - $5
Shipping overseas - $10

Background graphics from:

Eos Development

For more information:

Email about video